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Ruby - How to iterate over hash of hashes with array & non-array values

I have the following hash:

  "subtype"=>"example subtype",
  "contributors"=> {
    "Concept"=>["Example Contributor", "Example Contributor"],
    "Editor"=>["Example Contributor", "Example Contributor"],
   "publisher"=>"Example Publisher",
   "language"=>"Example Language",
   "dimensions"=>"Example Dimensions"

Where one can see that it is a hash of hashes, and some have string values and some have array values. I was wondering how I can iterate through this array so that I could have the following output, for example html:

<h3>example subtype</h3>

<p>Example Contributor, Example Contributor</p>

<p>Example Contributor, Example Contributor</p>


<p>Example Publisher</p>

<p>Example Language</p>

<p>Example Dimensions</p>

So far, I am trying to iterate through the array so following this answer (haml):

- object_details.each do |key, value|
  %h3= key
  - value.each do |v|
    %p= v

Which of course fails immediately as the first item, subtype has no method each as it is not an array.

I would take each value manually, but the hash may change if values are present or absent (for example, publisher or language may not always be present in the hash)

Is there a smart way to iterate through this hash other than checking for the presence of each hash manually?

As @dax mention, and maybe cleaner like:

- object_details.each do |key, value|
  %h3= key
  %p= Array(value).join(', ')

I hope that helps

Correction! I didn't see the nested Hash. You can do something like this(in a helper)

   def headers_and_paragraphs(hash)
     hash.each do |k, v|
       if v.kind_of?(Hash)
         puts "h3: #{k}" # Replace that with content_tag or something similar
         puts "p: #{Array(v).join(', ')}" # Replace that with content_tag or something similar

you're close. try this:

- object_details.each do |key, value|
  %h3= key
  - if value.kind_of?(Array)
    -value.each do |v|
      %p= v
  - else
    %p= v
$modifiedContent = []
def convert(hash)
   hash.each do |key, value|
      unless (value.kind_of?(Hash))
         unless (value.is_a? String and hash.first.first.eql? key and hash.first.last.eql? value)
            $modifiedContent << "<h3>#{key}</h3>"
            $modifiedContent << "<p>#{Array(value).join(', ')}</p>"
            $modifiedContent << "<p>#{value}</p>"
      $modifiedContent << ""

myHash = {
  "subtype"=>"example subtype",
  "contributors"=> {
    "Concept"=>["Example Contributor", "Example Contributor"],
    "Editor"=>["Example Contributor", "Example Contributor"],
   "publisher"=>"Example Publisher",
   "language"=>"Example Language",
   "dimensions"=>"Example Dimensions"

puts $modifiedContent

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