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Twitter4J: How do I return the tweets printed by sample/filter methods?

What I am doing?
I am trying to build an application with a User Interface. The user will enter the search term and then using a websocket connection, I would start returning the filtered tweets to UI.

What I did?
I have a TwitterFilter class that looks like

public TwitterFilter(String searchTerm) {
        final ConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder = getConfigurationBuilder();

        twitterStream = new TwitterStreamFactory(configurationBuilder.build()).getInstance();
        final StatusListener statusListener = getStatusListener();

        filterQuery = new FilterQuery();
        filterQuery.track(new String[] { searchTerm });
        filterQuery.language(new String[] { "en" });


    public void getFilteredTweets() {

    private static StatusListener getStatusListener() {
        return new StatusListener() {
            public void onStatus(final Status status) {

            public void onDeletionNotice(final StatusDeletionNotice statusDeletionNotice) {


            public void onTrackLimitationNotice(final int i) {


            public void onScrubGeo(final long userId, final long upToStatusId) {

            public void onStallWarning(final StallWarning stallWarning) {


            public void onException(final Exception e) {

    private static ConfigurationBuilder getConfigurationBuilder() {
        final ConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
        return configurationBuilder;

and a class with websocket code, that needs to return tweets filtered by Twitter, looks as

public class TweetStreamServer {
    public void tweets(final String message, final Session client) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        final TwitterFilter twitterFilter = new TwitterFilter("india");
        for (final Session peer: client.getOpenSessions()) {
            peer.getBasicRemote().sendText(twitterFilter.getFilteredTweets()); // compilation error

Since neither filter() or sample() methods return anything( void ), how do I return the tweets? ( documentation )?

This program implements streaming api. Your use case requires user to enter the search term and you have to return the tweets with that search term.

Possible Implementations:

1. Use rest api:

Use oauth and login using user's credentials, then return the tweets you get.


Rate limitations: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/rate-limiting/1.1/limits You can get only 180 tweets every 15 minutes (per user).

2. Streaming api:

This is not a rest api search. When you track particular keyword or follow an user, you get the tweets whenever they are tweeted (live). This is different from searching. You cannot know when a twitter user tweets using the keywords you are tracking. Since this is a live stream.

Start the stream with possible keywords. Save the results in a database and search the database when you get a request from user. When user enters a new keyword, stop the stream, add the new keyword to the list of keywords already tracking and start the stream. [You can only have one connection to streaming api from one IP address].

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