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Can constexpr and inline functions be re-defined?

I am verifying a statement on C++ Primer that:

Unlinke other functions, inline and constexpr functions may be defined multiple times in the program.

I used two definitions of a constexpr cfunc() below, expecting foo_0() will call the 1st def while foo_1() will call the 2nd def. However the attempt failed with compilation error (in the end). WHy?

constexpr int cfunc(){
  return 42;

int foo_0(){
  return cfunc();

constexpr int cfunc(){
  return 42;

int foo_1(){
  return cfunc();

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  cout << foo_0() << endl;  
  cout << foo_1() << endl;  

  /* testconstexprfunc2.cpp:24:15: error: redefinition of ‘constexpr int cfunc()’ */
  /* testconstexprfunc2.cpp:16:15: error: ‘constexpr int cfunc()’ previously defined here */

  return 0;


Yes unlike other functions, inline and constexpr functions may be defined multiple times in the program. However, the definitions must match exactly.

Justification according to the standard:

From § 7.1.5/2 The constexpr specifier [dcl.constexpr]:

constexpr functions and constexpr constructors are implicitly inline .

From § 3.2/6 One definition rule [basic.def.odr]:

There can be more than one definition of a class type (Clause 9), enumeration type (7.2), inline function with external linkage ... in a program provided that each definition appears in a different translation unit...

From § 7.1.2/4 Function specifiers [dcl.fct.spec]:

An inline function shall be defined in every translation unit in which it is odr-used and shall have exactly the same definition in every case.

Thus, since a constexpr function is implicitly inline it has all the attributes of an inline function. Therefore, constexpr functions can have more than one definition provided that each definition appears in a different translation unit .

Why your program fails:

In your case the program fails because you are violating this rule. That is, you redefine the same constexpr function in the same translation unit (ie, main.cpp).

An inline function can be defined multiple times in a program but only once in a translation unit. That means it can be defined only once in a header file. You can't have more than one definition in a translation unit even if they are identical.

It is true - regarding inline functions. This is the case to allow inline functions in a header, in order to make inlining possible at compile-time (instead at link time).

The following citation does not mention constexpr at all, but as noted they are implicitly inlined.

The key, as explained by @R Sahu, is provided that each definition appears in a different translation unit , which is not the case here.

Citing the standard, §3.2.6:

There can be more than one definition of (...) inline function with external linkage (7.1.2) (...) in a program provided that each definition appears in a different translation unit , and provided the definitions satisfy the following requirements. (...)

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