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Android Studio - Android Device Monitor - Empty View

I am trying to use the Android Device Monitor within Android Studio, but somehow I managed to remove all views.

I have tried resetting the perspectives, Window->Show View->(Any View), and even re-installing Android Studio but nothing shows up.


Does anyone know how to reset the Device Monitor back to it's default views? (With the devices on the left, and the heap/threads/allocation views on the right.)

Thanks for your help!

I've experienced this same problem by using Window -> Reset Perspective . One should expect this to fix this issue, not break it. Go figure.

In any case, the DDMS workspace preferences are stored in %USERPROFILE%\\.android\\monitor-workspace (eg C:\\Users\\my_user\\.android\\monitor-workspace ).

Just delete that folder and you're good to go.

Note that you'll need to enable 'show hidden files' in the finder if you are on a mac. Then, the workspace directory is in users/your_username/.android/monitor-workspace.

See http://ianlunn.co.uk/articles/quickly-showhide-hidden-files-mac-os-x-mavericks/ for how to show hidden files.

On Windows:

  1. Go to C:\\users\\my_user\\.android\\monitor-workspace)
  2. Close android device monitor
  3. Delete all files/folders inside of monitor-workspace folder
  4. Run android device monitor again

Where "my_user" is your user folder.

That screenshot looks like you are running Windows. So, you could go to C:\\Users\\user3106174\\ and delete the directory named .android (or something similar).

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