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Mootools Formcheck: Custom Function for Selectbox

I have problem with Mootools formcheck js when applying custom function to Selectbox field . Custom Function will be work fine with Text Field , but Selectbox is NOT.

My dummy code of Custom Function:

var customFunc = function customFuncF(el) {
    el.errors.push('Custom function!!!');
    return false;

And There are a simple form that I apply to a text field:



<input type="text" class="validate['%customFunc']" id="User_lastName" name="User[lastName]" >

-> It works fine with text field.

But when I apply custom function to Selectbox field , example as Office list in my simple form, it's seems not work and always returns true . My example code for Selectbox

<select id="User_officeId" class="validate['%customFunc']" name="User[officeId]" >
    <option selected="selected" value="">-Select Office-</option>
    <option value="1">Office A</option>
    <option value="2">Office B</option>

How can I apply custom function to Selectbox field ?


It was caused by your validate which excludes the keyword 'required'. In fact, the custom function works.

But in function 'manageError':

manageError : function(el, method) {
    } else if ((isValid || (!el.validation.contains('required') && !el.value))) {
        return true;
    return true;

As no 'required' and no value in here, the pushed error was be removed. :(

You can add the word 'required' into validate[] or setup the value of first option to 0 instead of blank.

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