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Jquery form not submitting or validating

I have the following form validation and submission script in jquery but for some reason its not working. It looks like its submitting but when i click submit it just resets the form and it doesn't validato or do the ajax post. Does anyone know what i am doing wrong here?


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $("#form").validate({debug: false,
                             rules: {
                               name: "required",
                               email: {
                                 required: true,
                                 email: true
                               phone: {
                                 required: true,
                                 phone: true
                             messages: {
                               name: "Please let us know who you are.",
                               email: "A valid email will help us get in touch with you.",
                               phone: "Please provide a valid phone number.",
                             submitHandler: function() {  

                             // Send the request
                             $.post('/submit.php', {
                               name: $('#name').val(),
                               email: $('#email').val(),
                               phone: $('#phone').val(),
                               message: $('#message').val()
                             }, function(d){
                               alert("Thank you for submitting your request someone will contact your shortly.");



You just need to add

$('#form').submit(function(e) {
   return false; 

to the end of the submit, this will avoid executing the actual submit of the form.

UPDATE: As pointed out by Dustin, preventDefault might be better if you don't want to stop your event from bubbling up..

$('#form').submit(function(e) {

I switched your code a bit, seems you using jquery validate?, their documents have the correct way to submit a form. http://jqueryvalidation.org/documentation/#too-much-recursion

<script type="text/javascript">
        debug: false,
        rules: {
            name: "required",
            email: {
                required: true,
                email: true
            phone: {
                required: true,
                phone: true
        messages: {
            name: "Please let us know who you are.",
            email: "A valid email will help us get in touch with you.",
            phone: "Please provide a valid phone number.",
        submitHandler: function(form) {  
                  // Stop the form actually posting

                 // Send the request
               $.post('/submit.php', {
               name: $('#name').val(),
               email: $('#email').val(),
               phone: $('#phone').val(),
               message: $('#message').val()
               }, function(d){
                    alert("Thank you for submitting your request someone will contact your shortly.");


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