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what setting causes catalina.out to be renamed as catalina.out.1

in my Linux server(ubuntu) the tomcat log file catalina.out is automatically rename to new file name eg. catalina.out catalina.out.1 , catalina.out.2 , catalina.out.3 , catalina.out.4 etc etc

so what setting causes catalina out to be renamed as catalina.out.1 ?


The default Tomcat 7 package in Ubuntu 12.04 installs the file /etc/logrotate.d/tomcat7 which contains the logrotate config for catalina.out (I assume it is the same for Tomcat 6):

/var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out {
  rotate 52
  create 640 tomcat7 adm

Type man logrotate on the command-line for more info.

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