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how do you make a controller in F# that uses hyphens?

I have a .net MVC website and my controllers are written in f#. But I'm having trouble finding out how to use hyphens in my controllers.

I want something like:


How is this done in F#?

Here's an example of my contact controller:

type ContactController() =
inherit Controller()
member x.Index () =
    let version = typeof<int * int>.Assembly.GetName().Version
    let msg = sprintf "This web page is running using F# version %s." (version.ToString(4))
    x.ViewData.["Message"] <- msg

    let uri = new Uri(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri)
    let param1 = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query).Get("id") 
    x.ViewData.["idinfo"] <- param1

Here's one way to do it with routing configuration:

    { controller = "Contact"; action = "Index"; id = UrlParameter.Optional }
) |> ignore

Add this before the "Default" route, and you can access the ContactsController and the appropriate view via /some-cool-page .

You'll typically find the routing configuration in your global.asax.fs file, depending on the template you're using.

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