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Sonar Runner does not use properties of sonar-project.properties

I am using SonarQube Runner 2.4 at jenkins since today but the analysis fail with the message:

SonarQube Runner 2.4
Java 1.7.0_51 Oracle Corporation (64-bit)
INFO: Runner configuration file: /.jenkins/tools/hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarRunnerInstallation/Sonar_Runner_2.4/conf/sonar-runner.properties
INFO: Project configuration file: NONE
INFO: Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "ISO-8859-1" (analysis is platform dependent)
INFO: Work directory: /.jenkins/workspace/Sonar/.sonar
INFO: SonarQube Server 4.3.2
23:21:42.176 INFO  - Load batch settings
23:21:42.160 INFO  - User cache: /.sonar/cache
23:21:42.270 INFO  - Install plugins
23:21:43.322 INFO  - Install JDBC driver
23:21:43.329 INFO  - Create JDBC datasource for jdbc:mysql://xxx
23:21:45.505 INFO  - Initializing Hibernate
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total time: 5.214s
Final Memory: 21M/429M
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ERROR: Error during Sonar runner execution
ERROR: Unable to execute Sonar
ERROR: Caused by: You must define the following mandatory properties for ‚com.mypackage:MyProject: sonar.sources
ERROR: To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run SonarQube Runner with the -e switch.
ERROR: Re-run SonarQube Runner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
Build step 'Invoke Standalone Sonar Analysis' marked build as failure
[BFA] Scanning build for known causes...

[BFA] Done. 0s
Notifying upstream projects of job completion
Finished: FAILURE

If I add the property "MyProject.sonar.sources=src" In the project properties in Jenkins (I use "Invoke Standalone Sonar Analysis"). I will receive the error message

ERROR: Caused by: Findbugs needs sources to be compiled. Please build project before executing sonar and check the location of compiled classes.

This means the sonar-project.properties (/.jenkins/workspace/Deploy/MyProject/sonar-project.properties) is not read or used because there are all values defined:


When sonar is executed I can see the correct path to MyProject where : -DMyProject.sonar.projectBaseDir=/.jenkins/workspace/Deploy/MyProject

Or does the name of sonar-project.properties changed?

Please build the project in the release mode. After the build happens you will get the dll's produced somewhere. you have to point to that location.

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