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Secure LDAP works with PHP CLI but not through apache

I am trying to authenticate over secure LDAP against my Debian server from another Debian box.

The following code works from the command line (prints "Success"):

if($ldap = ldap_connect('ldaps://myserver.tld'))
  ldap_set_option($ldap, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
  $bind = ldap_bind($ldap,'cn=admin,dc=myserver,dc=tld','mypassword');
  print ldap_error($ldap);

...pulling the same file via Apache/mod_php prints "Can't contact LDAP server"

There is another similar question here on stackoverflow, but its answers did not work for me. I have already tried using the same php.ini for apache that was used for the cli, but the problem stayed the same.

We just had this problem happen. It turned out that all we had to do was restart Apache.

I have no idea what the cause was (I don't administer the server) but it was most likely security updates.

I was finally able to resolve my own issue and I do want to share my solution with you:

I am using a self-signed certificate for my LDAP-server, so it was neccessary to create my own ca-certificate and import it to the client's certificate store to establish trust. While I ran the above script from the cli as user root , apache runs as www-data . My selfmade ca-certifictate's permissions were set to 400 , its user to root , thus only root could read it.

This prevented php on apache (running as www-data) from estabishing a connection to my LDAP-server. As soon as I had changed the ca-certificate's permissions to 444 , everything worked like a charm...

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