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Failed to initialize Windows Azure storage emulator.Unable to start the storage emulator

Whyle starting cloud application (Azure storage emulator v 2.3) I got error:

I have used this to configure sql express for this purpose and I was able to create database - . But still got above error. Any idea? Thanks.

Here is what I get when started storage emulator with -inprocess option:


I encountered similar issues when updating to v2.5. I tried everything outlined in the various blogs and technet forums with no luck but it seems like the advice given was correct, just slightly different for my case.

  • Uninstall all previous version of azure sdks
    • Optional and probably not related to fixing my issue. I uninstalled all azure sdks, authoring tools, azure tools for VS, azure libraries for .Net, storage emulators and compute emulators.
  • Delete WAStorageEmulatorDb files
    • Next up was to clean up any previous WAStorageEmulator database files. For most users these appear to be kept in c:\\users\\{user}\\WAStorageEmulatorDb*.* .
      • sqllocaldb stop v11.0
      • sqllocaldb delete v11.0
      • manually delete c:\\users\\{user}\\WAStorageEmulatorDb*.*
      • sqllocaldb create v11.0
  • At this point reinstalling Azure SDK 2.5 via Web Platform Installer failed to install with the following error.
    • CAQuietExec: Windows Azure Storage Emulator command line tool CAQuietExec: Error: Cannot create database. CAQuietExec: Error 0xfffffff3: Command line returned an error. CAQuietExec: Error 0xfffffff3: CAQuietExec Failed
  • This is where I noticed my environment was different . Running sqllocaldb info I noticed I had 4 instances, V11.0 , two instances which hosted personal databases and a 4th one called MSSQLLocalDB . If you open (localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB in Visual Studio - SQL Server Object Explorer you should should see WAStorageEmulatorDb . The problem for me was that my WAStorageEmulatorDb wasn't being stored in v11.0 as it was for other people, so deleting v11.0 didn't help.
  • Delete WAStorageEmulatorDb files again . So now that I knew where my WAStorageEmulatorDb was, I re-ran the following
    • sqllocaldb stop MSSQLLocalDB
    • sqllocaldb delete MSSQLLocalDB
    • sqllocaldb create MSSQLLocalDB
  • Re-install Azure SDK 2.5 via Web Platform Installer completed successfully.
  • Lastly, running c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Azure\\Storage Emulator\\WAStorageEmulator.exe init followed by c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Azure\\Storage Emulator\\WAStorageEmulator.exe start started successfully.
    • To verify you should also have new c:\\users\\{user}\\WAStorageEmulatorDb34.* files.

I hope this helps someone who comes across this in the future.

I had a similar problem.

Refer Azure storage emulator failed to initialize for the solution.

It solved my problem.

I hope this helps you.

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