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VBA runtime error - 1004 when trying to format or delete cells after pasting values

I am trying to use VBA to make my life easier but I keep getting a problem which I can't work around. Basically what I want is to copy some values from several output csv files I've got, to a nice formatted excel file. Then according to some bases numbers delete values or format the cells.
However I keep getting the same error message Run-time error '1004' application-defined or object defined error. I am doing that using many output files and pasting values at the same table file but on different sheets (10.2a, 10.2b, 10.2c, ...) by having macros for each sheet. I run all the macros in one using another macro that contains all the other macros I looked a lot in other posts but don't understand where the error comes from. Any help would be much appreciated. The code I use for one sheet is below as an example.

Sub Table_10_2a()
        ' Copy Data from one file to another
        Dim Output As Workbook
        Dim Table As Workbook
        Dim i As Integer

        'Open workbooks
        Set Output = Workbooks.Open("O:\...\Output.csv")
        Set Table = Workbooks.Open("O:\...\Table.xlsx") 

        'Copy paste data from output file to Table
        Table.Sheets("10.2a").Range("B11").PasteSpecial xlValues

        Table.Sheets("10.2a").Range("B17").PasteSpecial xlValues

        Table.Sheets("10.2a").Range("B23").PasteSpecial xlValues

        Table.Sheets("10.2a").Range("B26").PasteSpecial xlValues

        Table.Sheets("10.2a").Range("B32").PasteSpecial xlValues

        Table.Sheets("10.2a").Range("B38").PasteSpecial xlValues

        Table.Sheets("10.2a").Range("B40").PasteSpecial xlValues

        For i = 2 To 5
        'Delete cells for values below 30
         If Table.Sheets("10.2a").Cells(40, i).Value < 30 Then
            Table.Sheets("10.2a").Range(Cells(26, i), Cells(36, i)).ClearContents
            Table.Sheets("10.2a").Cells(38, i).NumberFormat = """[""0""]"""
            Table.Sheets("10.2a").Cells(40, i).NumberFormat = """[""0""]"""
         End If

    'Format cells for values below 50
        If Table.Sheets("10.2a").Cells(40, i).Value < 50 And Table.Sheets("10.2a").Cells(40, i).Value > 30 Then
            Table.Sheets("10.2a").Range(Cells(26, i), Cells(38, i)).NumberFormat = """[""0.0""]"""
            Table.Sheets("10.2a").Cells(40, i).NumberFormat = """[""0""]"""
        End If

        Next i

        'Save file

        'Close files

        End Sub

This usage of Cells inside Range to build a block of cells commonly falls victim to an unqualified reference. In this case, you are using Table.Sheets("10.2a") to specify the sheet for Range but are not using the same qualifier on Cells . This means that Cells will use the default context available which varies with where the code is executing. Possibilities:

  • Inside a code module or ThisWorkbook , Cells refers to the ActiveSheet
  • Inside a Worksheet code behind, Cells refers to that Worksheet regardless of the ActiveSheet

Use Address to get around the different sheets

One approach is to follow the call to Cells with Address . This resolves the problem because Address returns the cell address without the sheet name. This is then interpreted by Range within its context which is Sheets("10.2a") .

Range(Cells(26, i).Address, Cells(36, i).Address).ClearContents

Qualify the reference (generally preferred)

Another way to resolve this error is to qualify the reference by adding a sheet name before Cells : Table.Sheets("10.2a").Cells . Full line:

Range(Table.Sheets("10.2a").Cells(26, i), Table.Sheets("10.2a").Cells(36, i)).ClearContents

This type of code looks better within a With... End With block.

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