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Travis CI + ruby on Rails package installation

I tried to add Travis VI with my public github repository. to use taglib-ruby user should install libtag1-dev package on there system. so i wrote my .travis.yml file like the below

language: ruby
  - 2.0.0

  - DB=mysql
  - sudo apt-get update
  - sudo apt-get install -y libtag1-dev
  - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace
  - bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
  - bundle exec rspec spec/
  - mysql -e 'create database my_app_test'

but travis always failed by telling the following

Installing rack-cache 1.2
Installing rack-test 0.6.2
Installing rack-ssl 1.3.4

Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p451/bin/ruby extconf.rb
checking for main() in -lstdc++... yes
checking for main() in -ltag... no
You must have taglib installed in order to use taglib-ruby.
Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libtag1-dev
Fedora/RHEL: sudo yum install taglib-devel
Brew: brew install taglib
MacPorts: sudo port install taglib

I resolved using the below

language: ruby
  - 2.0.0

  - DB=postgresql
  - sudo apt-get update
  - sudo apt-get install -y libtag1-dev
  - psql -c 'create database travis_ci_test;' -U postgres
  - "bundle exec rake db:migrate"

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