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Parsing data for Android L failed.Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

After installing ADT Plugin for Eclipse, I tried to make a new Hello world Android app.

But I met with the following error when I tried to open a new Android Application. I'm working with JDK 7.0 and JRE 7.0. I initially worked with JDK 6.0, but met with the same error, hence I uninstalled it and installed JDK 7.0 and changed the path settings respectively.

The error clearly is:

Loading data for Android L(Preview) has encountered a problem. Parsing data for Android L failed.Unsupported major.minor version 51.0.

My compliance levels are also changed to JDK 1.7 only. And I also changed my JRE compliance to 1.7.

I was facing the same problem on my Mac OSX and for me the problem was resolved by downloading and installing JDK 1.8 from Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads . You just need to install(or update to) JDK 1.8 and restart the eclipse. That's it! Should work afterwards.

Please check for the following.

  1. Ensure that you have restarted your system after specifying the path name.
  2. You can look for the following icon on your eclipse's layout screen. !( 在此输入图像描述 ) The "20" specifies the android version to use when rendering layouts. Change it and see.
  3. Last but not least review your ADT configurations. Hope this helps.

You can "solve" it by uninstalling the Android L SDK using the Android SDK Manager.

Not satisfactory.


I think this answer is effectively suggesting the same thing but without the uninstalling (instead just selecting the version of the API that actually works).

Check your JDK version. It must be JDK1.7. JDK 1.6 does not work.

Have had same problem when upgrading to SDK 5.0. As seen in different answers, the solution for me was:

  1. Download a new JDK (1.8)
  2. Update my Eclipse config file with the location of the new JDK:

     org.eclipse.platform --launcher.XXMaxPermSize 256m --launcher.defaultAction openFile -vm C:/jdk1.8.0_25/bin/javaw.exe -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 -XX:MaxPermSize=256m 

Didn't need to modify JDK compliance.

Just delete Android L platforms. Redirect to your android sdk directory.


delete directory android-L and restart your eclipse.

Sometimes it can be just because the compiler compliance level is not set properly in Eclipse Java Compiler settings.

Go to Eclipse Preferences, under Java section-> go to Compiler and then in JDK compliance level select 1.7

I was using Eclipse Indigo 64 bit with JDK 1.7. As soon as I updated to Eclipse Luna 64 bit everything worked fine. Furthermore, Eclipse Indigo 64 wouldn't even acknowledge JDK 1.8+

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