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Cannot ssh into instance created in eucalyptus

I installed the eucalyptus faststart3.4.2 iso from here http://downloads.eucalyptus.com/software/faststart/ and then I installed cloud in a box. Then creating an instance m1.small I am trying to ssh into the instance created by its IP. The VM is running and I can ping it, when ssh -i euca-demo.private is run most probably it enters VM but asks for passphrase which I dont know because the image was given after installation that I used to create the instance. The message is

Enter passphrase for key 'euca-demo.private':

How can I enter without knowing the passphase? How to know the passphase?

Can you try to login as ec2-user?

$ ssh -i euca-demo.private ec2-user@

As you have said in your comment, it seems that the public key of euca-demo.private is associated with the cloud-user user in the VM. So you can SSH via this user only.

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