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XSL For-Each Loop Selecting a Value within a Value

Hello the code is as followed:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wddxPacket version="1.0">
      <array length="2">      
        <struct type="coldfusion.server.ConfigMap">
          <var name="XXXXX">
            <struct type="coldfusion.server.ConfigMap">
              <var name="disable"><boolean value="false"/></var>
              <var name="alter"><boolean value="true"/></var>
              <var name="username"><string>username1</string></var>

The code continues with 1000s of username values. I would like to create a loop that selects each username. so far my code for selecting each username looks like this.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

       <xsl:template match="/">

         <xsl:for-each select='wddxPacket/data/array/struct[@type="coldfusion.server.ConfigMap"]
          <xsl:value-of select="username"/>,




I would like my output to look something like: username1,username2,username3,username4....The issue I am facing is my output is either empty or when I change the code to where the value-of select = "@name" I just get an output of username,username,username...

Thanks for any help!

At the moment, you are looping over the @name attributes of all var elements. If you only want the "username" ones, change it to this...

<xsl:for-each select='wddxPacket/data/array/struct[@type="coldfusion.server.ConfigMap"]

Then, to get the user name, you can just do this...

 <xsl:value-of select="string"/>

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