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priority_queue's emplace and push

I noticed in some code. They uses emplace instead of ' push' even the element they insert is actually that instance.

For example.

class Star {
  // The distance between this star to the Earth.
  double distance() const { return sqrt(x_ * x_ + y_ * y_ + z_ * z_); }

  bool operator<(const Star& s) const { return distance() < s.distance(); }

  int ID_;
  double x_, y_, z_; 

vector<Star> find_closest_k_stars(int k, istringstream *sin) {
  // Use max_heap to find the closest k stars.
  priority_queue<Star> max_heap;
  string line;

  // Record the first k stars.
  while (getline(*sin, line)) {
    stringstream line_stream(line);
    string buf;
    getline(line_stream, buf, ',');
    int ID = stoi(buf);
    array<double, 3> data;  // stores x, y, and z.
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
      getline(line_stream, buf, ',');
      data[i] = stod(buf);
    Star s{ID, data[0], data[1], data[2]};

    if (max_heap.size() == k) {
      // Compare the top of heap with the incoming star.
      Star far_star = max_heap.top();
      if (s < far_star) {
    } else {
      max_heap.emplace(s);  //I think here we  can use push instead of emplace, right?

in code :max_heap.emplace(s); //I think here we can use push instead of emplace, right?

It makes no difference here because the Star object will be copy constructed either way, what the code should probably be doing is

max_heap.emplace(ID, data[0], data[1], data[2]); // Won't work without a Star ctor





Then again the struct is simple enough that it's likely none of this will make any difference whatsoever.

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