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Android webview javascript seems not working on Sony Xperia

I have tested my app on HTC and MI2 and some samsung devices, and it worked fine.

However on Sony devices, it is not working at all.

Java Code:

mWebView.addJavascriptInterface(new TestInterface(), "jsjava");

    public class TestInterface {
        public void login() {
            Log.d("TEST", "js call java ok");

Html and js code:

    function login(response){

<div class="land"><a href="javascript:login();">Login</a></div>

The log message "js call java ok" does not show up on sony devices, like the xperia.

I made sure to enable javascript support on device, but it is still not working.

Please help.



webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());



And add @JavascriptInterface to every function that will called from javascript.

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