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x-flipox not working on custom polymer element

Hi all I am trying to create a custom Polymer Element that uses the < x-flipbox > element inside its template tag.

However it seems that the < x-flipbox > tag it is only working on the index page and not inside my custom elements.

This is my custom element, what am I doing wrong?

<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">

<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/x-tag-imports/x-tag-flipbox.html">

<polymer-element name="nautes-flipbox" attributes="">
      :host {
        display: block;

      <div>I'm the front face.</div>
      <div>I'm the back face.</div>



The element above is just showing the two divs.

      <div>I'm the front face.</div>
      <div>I'm the back face.</div>

This one pasted in the index.html shows only one div (as it should).

In addition, how can I debug this kind of issues? (I am new to polymer and the console is not giving me any error/warning)

You don't need to include it as a import, that's an old wrapper thing the Polymer folks wrote for including X-Tag elements (it's probably what's complicating this). You can simply include the JS (as a <script> ) and CSS (as a <link rel="stylesheet"> ) inside of the x-flipbox repo's src directory where you have your <link rel="import"> for the flipbox

Repo: https://github.com/x-tag/flipbox/tree/master/src

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