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How to run script to copy logs from remote server to local

Here I am trying to run script from Server X and copy the logs from remote server ( Server Y) to local server ( Server X) home dir.

This is what I have tried. This copies the logs to server Y home dir.

user@X:/home ssh SERVER_Y  "bash -s" < ./get_logs SystemOut*

Update: How do I reference the server X in get_logs while running on remote server ( without hardcoding server name in script)

Apologies for updating the question.


scp /localdir/bla/myfile somehost:/home/karl

For download the whole directory from server to your current local directory

scp -r user@198.58.x.x:/var/log/ .

Here -r is used for recursively copy entire directories.

For single file downlod :

scp user@198.58.x.x:/var/log/some.log .

To upload log to your remote server :

scp some.log user@198.58.x.x:/var/log

Note : make sure you have read-write access to remote directory or file

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