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Check whether checkbox is checked or not in page load itself by jquery

I have below checkbox and span tag in .Net MVC 3 page,

@Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.CheckedStatus, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "id", "cbCheckedStatus7" }, { "name", "cbCheckedStatus" }, { "class", "onchange" } })
<span id="spBlueCheckbox" style="display: none; color: blue;"> Some message</span>


jQuery(function ($) {
        $('#cbCheckedStatus7').on('change', function () {            

if the checkbox is checked, i need to show the span tag, or else hide it. initially the spab tag is hidden.

I have written jquery to do the above scenario, but it is only working if i click manually by mouse. What i need is, when i navigate from previous page to this page, the checkbox is checked by default based DB flag, but the span tag is not shown.

You can use:


call below jquery on page load :

    // do initial check and make show / hide
    if($('#cbCheckedStatus7').is(':checked')){ // check if checkbox checked

   // add change handler
   $('#cbCheckedStatus7').on('change', function () {            

Try this

     ($('#cbCheckedStatus7').is(':checked')) ? $('#spBlueCheckbox').show(); : $('#spBlueCheckbox').hide();

Edit your code to this :

jQuery(function ($) {
        $('#cbCheckedStatus7').on('change', function () { 
            $('#spBlueCheckbox').show();//or slide up or down
            $('#spBlueCheckbox').hide();//or slide up or down

and ADD this to end of the page that contains the checkbox


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