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Git is not ignoring tmp files

I'm having this annoying issue in a Ruby On Rails application where git keeps committing these tmp/ files. In my .gitignore file, I have tmp/ so I don't understand why they keep showing up...here is my .gitignore file for reference:

# Ignore bundler config.

# Ignore the default SQLite database.

# Ignore all logfiles and tempfiles.


# OS generated cache files

It's just a minor issue that is getting annoying to my team and I on the repo. Thanks for any and all help!

Try removing the files with git rm . Maybe a command like this will work:

git rm -R tmp

Then make a commit to record that you have removed the files from git, and git will stop trying to track changes to those files.

Step 1 : specify all files in .gitignore

/log/* .log /tmp/ !/log/.keep !/tmp/.keep

Step 2: clear your git cache git rm -r --cached tmp/

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