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PHP Transliteration and renaming files

This is my problem. Files is not renaming. What I do wrong? What I do not see? This script is must to work in Windows and Unix. Script file in UNIX UTF-8 w/o BOM. Tryed Windows 1251, ANSI and still don't working.

 function Transliteration($FileName){ 
 $CharReplace = array (
'А'=>'A', 'Б'=>'B', 'В'=>'V',
'Г'=>'G', 'Д'=>'D', 'Е'=>'E',
'Ё'=>'E', 'Ж'=>'ZH', 'З'=>'Z',
'И'=>'I', 'Й'=>'J', 'К'=>'K',
'Л'=>'L', 'М'=>'M', 'Н'=>'N',
'О'=>'O', 'П'=>'P', 'Р'=>'R',
'С'=>'S', 'Т'=>'T', 'У'=>'U',
'Ф'=>'F', 'Х'=>'H', 'Ц'=>'TS',
'Ч'=>'CH', 'Ш'=>'SH', 'Щ'=>'SHH',
'Ъ'=>'', 'Ы'=>'I', 'Ь'=>'',
'Э'=>'E', 'Ю'=>'YU', 'Я'=>'YA',
'а'=>'a', 'б'=>'b', 'в'=>'v',
'г'=>'g', 'д'=>'d', 'е'=>'e',
'ё'=>'yo', 'ж'=>'zh', 'з'=>'z',
'и'=>'i', 'й'=>'j', 'к'=>'k',
'л'=>'l', 'м'=>'m', 'н'=>'n',
'о'=>'o', 'п'=>'p', 'р'=>'r',
'с'=>'s', 'т'=>'t', 'у'=>'u',
'ф'=>'f', 'х'=>'h', 'ц'=>'ts',
'ч'=>'ch',  'ш'=>'sh', 'щ'=>'shh',
'ъ'=>'', 'ы'=>'i', 'ь'=>'',
'э'=>'e', 'ю'=>'yu', 'я'=>'ya',
"№"=>"N", " "=>"_", "–"=>"_",
"-"=>"_", " - "=>"_", ","=>"");
$FileNameTranslited = str_replace(array_keys($CharReplace), $CharReplace, $FileName);
return $FileNameTranslited;}

function Renaming(){
$WorkDir = opendir("ToRename") or die("Не могу открыть папку");
while ($CurrentFile = readdir($WorkDir)){
    if ($CurrentFile != "." && $CurrentFile != ".."){
        $TranslitedFile = Transliteration($CurrentFile);
        if (rename($CurrentFile, $TranslitedFile))
            {echo "File Renamed";}
            else{echo "Some shit happen!";}
        echo $CurrentFile." -> ".$TranslitedFile."<br>";}}}


Thanks a lot StathisG! This is a right key for solution. But it still not working. Look here:

 function Renaming(){
 $directory = 'ToRename/';
 $WorkDir = opendir($directory) or die("Не могу открыть папку");
 while ($CurrentFile = readdir($WorkDir)){
   if ($CurrentFile != "." && $CurrentFile != ".."){
    $WhichCodingWeWant = 'UTF-8';
    $FileNameCoding = mb_detect_encoding($CurrentFile);
    echo $FileNameCoding."<br/>";
    $utf8_filename = mb_convert_encoding($CurrentFile, $WhichCodingWeWant, $FileNameCoding);
    $TranslitedFile = Transliteration($utf8_filename);
    mb_convert_encoding($TranslitedFile, $FileNameCoding, $WhichCodingWeWant);
    echo mb_detect_encoding($TranslitedFile)."<br/>";
    if (rename($directory . $CurrentFile, $directory . $TranslitedFile)) {
       echo "File Renamed<br/>";
       } else {
         echo "Some shit happen!<br/>";
        echo $utf8_filename." -> ".$TranslitedFile."<br>";

As you can see I add a new Vars "$WhichCodingWeWant" and "$FileNameCoding". Incoming file name: "Новый текстовый документ.txt" out "Íîâûé_òåêñòîâûé_äîêóìåГГІ.txt" mus be "Novij_textovij_document.txt" My brain is exploded...

Okay...step 3. Incoming data like before: Новый текстовый документ.txt

  function Renaming(){ $directory = 'ToRename/'; $WorkDir = opendir($directory) or die("Не могу открыть папку"); while ($CurrentFile = readdir($WorkDir)){ if ($CurrentFile != "." && $CurrentFile != ".."){ echo "What name is come: ".$CurrentFile."<br/>"; $WhichCodingWeWant = 'UTF-8'; $FileNameCoding = mb_detect_encoding($CurrentFile); echo "File name encoding: ".$FileNameCoding."<br/>"; $utf8_filename = mb_convert_encoding($CurrentFile, $WhichCodingWeWant, $FileNameCoding); echo "File name behind transliting: ".$utf8_filename."<br/>"; $TranslitedFile = Transliteration($utf8_filename); echo "File name translited to: ".$TranslitedFile."<br/>"; mb_convert_encoding($TranslitedFile, $FileNameCoding, $WhichCodingWeWant); echo "File name encoding converted to: ".mb_detect_encoding($TranslitedFile)."<br/>"; if (rename($directory . $CurrentFile, $directory . $TranslitedFile)) { echo "File Renamed<br/>"; } else { echo "Some shit happen!<br/>"; } echo $utf8_filename." -> ".$TranslitedFile."<br>"; } } } Renaming(); Result is: What name is come: Новый текстовый документ.txt File name encoding: UTF-8 File name behind transliting: ????? ????????? ????????.txt File name translited to: ?????_?????????_????????.txt File name encoding converted to: ASCII 

Warning: : No error in E:\\WEB\\XAMPP\\htdocs\\my\\Site\\test\\test6.php on line 32 Some shit happen! ????? ????????? ????????.txt -> ????? ????????? ????????.txt And file is not renamed in folder.

Why ASCII if I want and making UTF-8? I understand that a I nothing to understand! Any way Thank You StathisG for trying to help me! I'll try this script tomorrow in Linux system. And tell you about results. If you will have a some ideas about this all, I will glad to see it :)

Your code produces the following warning:

Warning: rename(test.txt, test.txt): The system cannot find the file specified.

The $CurrentFile variable holds only the filename and not the complete path of the file. Try the following:

function Renaming(){
    $directory = 'ToRename/';
    $WorkDir = opendir($directory) or die("Не могу открыть папку");
    while ($CurrentFile = readdir($WorkDir)){
        if ($CurrentFile != "." && $CurrentFile != ".."){
            $utf8_filename = mb_convert_encoding($CurrentFile, 'UTF-8', 'GREEK');
            $TranslitedFile = Transliteration($utf8_filename);
            if (rename($directory . $CurrentFile, $directory . $TranslitedFile)) {
                echo "File Renamed";
            } else {
                echo "Some shit happen!";
            echo $utf8_filename." -> ".$TranslitedFile."<br>";

I tested your Transliteration variable separately, and it seems to working fine (see test below), so ignore my original comment about the multibyte string functions.

echo Transliteration('Не могу открыть папку'); // produces 'Ne_mogu_otkrit_papku'


I edited the code above, adding the following line:

$utf8_filename = mb_convert_encoding($CurrentFile, 'UTF-8', 'GREEK');

Then, I used the $utf8_filename as the variable passed to your Transliteration function:

$TranslitedFile = Transliteration($utf8_filename);

As you may noticed, I used 'GREEK' as the filename's encoding, since that's the only language I know other than English, so I used Greek filenames to test your code.

I created a file called "τεστ.txt", and added the following values to the $CharReplace array: 'τ'=>'t', 'ε'=>'e', 'σ'=>'s'

When I run the code, I got the following message, and the file was renamed successfully to "test.txt".

File Renamed τεστ.txt -> test.txt

Based on the PHP manual, the supported encodings for mb_convert_encoding are these .

So, try the above code, replacing the encoding value with the encoding which corresponds to the characters you use and check if that solves your problem.

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