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Symfony2 - How to only show specific elements to ROLE_USER

I am trying to hide CRUD elements in TWIG so that it only appears for the specified ROLE_USER.

Right now I am using IS_AUTHENTICATED REMEMBERED which works against anonymous users but other logged in users are still able to see this.

{% if is_granted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED') %}
        <a href="">
        Create a new entry
{% endif %}

I want to only show this to the specific ROLE_USER that I have set in the access_control in security.yml and the controller. For instance the code above should only be shown to ROLE_USER1 .

What is the command to do this in Twig?

Use is_granted('ROLE_USER1')

{% if is_granted('ROLE_USER1') %}
        <a href="">
        Create a new entry
{% endif %}

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