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how to split array values in view page in codeigniter

Hi CI developers I am new to CI framework so request you guys to help me in splitting array values in my view page. I am able to print the query values in my view page in this way, for which I wrote the following code:

echo "<pre>";
print_r($showdata); //I am getting o/p in this way
   [results] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [id] => 205
                    [uid] => mh47
                    [profile_for] => self
                    [gender] => female 


    [count] => 1
    [pages] => 1

Now I want to split these array values and count values and pages values so request you to help me. I tried it this way but I am not getting any output:

    if (isset($data['showdata'])){
      foreach ($showdata->result() as $key) {
    <?php echo ($key->gender); echo $key['gender']; ?>

below is my model page

$data['showdata']   =   $this->searchresultss->login($per_page,$look,$age);


below is my model page

function login($per_page=3,$look,$age,$age_to,$age_from,$se_ct,$subsect,$coun_try, $sta_te, $ci_ty,$qualification)

$query="SELECT * FROM users";


return $data; 

when this works

echo "<pre>";

Why am I not able to echo the array value. I am in a lot of confusion, so guys please help me. I am new to CI framework so I am unable to sort out the problem.

$data['showdata'] only exists in the controller, in the view you should access it like this:

if (isset($showdata)){ //...

Your foreach should probably look like this:

foreach($showdata['results'] as $k => $v){
    echo $v['gender'];

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