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JavaScript OOP : running two instances of a method within a single Object simultaneously

So, I have an object Async that creates a request for (in this case) a JSON object from github.

There is a method Async.createList that creates a list of all instances of a specific attribute from the github JSON object. It works just fine when Async.createList is called once, but I want to be able to create multiple lists from different target attributes from the same request, and this is where it fails.

Ideally, the lists would be appended to the Async.lists object so that they can be used outside of the Async object. Right now, when I call Async.createList multiple times, only the last call appends to Async.lists .

function Async(address) {
    this.req = new XMLHttpRequest();
    this.address = address

Async.prototype = {

    lists : {},

    create : function(callback) {
        var self = this;
        this.req.open('GET', this.address, true);
        this.req.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
            if (this.readyState == 4) {
                if (this.status == 200) {
                    if (callback != null) callback()
                } else {
                    dump("COULD NOT LOAD \n");

    response : function(json) {
        return json == true ? JSON.parse(this.req.responseText) : this.req.responseText    

    createList : function(target) {
        var self = this
        var bits = []
          this.req.onload = function(){  
            var list = self.response(true)
            for(obj in list){
            self.lists[target] = bits


I am creating the object and calling the methods like this:

var github = new Async("https://api.github.com/users/john/repos")

And then trying:


You are re-assigning the function for this.req.onload every time you call github.createList .

i understand you want to do things after the request is loaded using req.onload , but you are assigning a new function everytime, so the last assigned function will be called.

You need to remove the onload function within Async.createList

Call github.createList("name"); only after the request is loaded as follows

var github = new Async("https://api.github.com/users/john/repos")


github.req.onload = function () {


The answer is painfully simple. All I needed to do was get rid of the onload function within Async.createList and simple call Async.createList in the callback of Async.create

createList : function(target) {
    var self = this
    var bits = []

        var list = self.response(true)
        for(obj in list){
        self.lists[target] = bits


Using this to instantiate:

var github = new Async("https://api.github.com/users/john/repos")

function callback(){

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