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How to return non-static variable from static method?

Even through these reference Tri1 , I am not able to return base value.

public class Triangle {

    private double base;

    Triangle Tri1 = new Triangle();

    public static double getBase() 
        return Tri1.base; 

You can make Tri1 a static variable:

public class Triangle {

private double base;

static Triangle Tri1 = new Triangle();

public static double getBase() 
    return Tri1.base; 

Or make getBase instance method:

public class Triangle {

private double base;

Triangle Tri1 = new Triangle();

public double getBase() 
    return Tri1.base; 

You can not return instance variable from static method.

You try to call the private member of a specific object. To access base, you would have to make it static. But then every triangle has the same base value.

public class Triangle {

  private double base;

  static Triangle Tri1 = new Triangle();

  public static double getBase() 
    return Tri1.base; 

Please make above changes. It runs without error. Please remember, from static methods, we have access only static members of that class, be it a static variable or another static method. Static methods are loaded into memory before the non-static members get loaded..so any access of non-static members from static methods looks like you are going to access something that is not created .so you get a compilation error.

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