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location of python27.dll from python itself

Is there a way to get the path of python27.dll from the python interpreter itself in windows.

I am looking for something like sys.executable that can get me the path to python27.dll ( just the directory ould do as well)

You can use pywin32 to get a list of DLLs used by the python executable, then search those for python27.dll:

import win32process

for process in win32process.EnumProcessModules(-1):
  name = win32process.GetModuleFileNameEx(-1, process)
  if "python27.dll" in name:
    print name

In the above example, -1 is the pseudo-process handle for the current process. You can also get the handle via:

curHandle = win32process.GetCurrentProcess()

pywin32 is available for download here:


If you assume that, python27.dll get installed at system path, you can extract the absolute path by this way:

import subprocess
print subprocess.check_call("where python27.dll")



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