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Inflate a custom view from XML, then set her height and witdh programmatically

I'm loosing myself in an custom size View problem since a couple of days. After some long research, I finally decide to ask your help... please ! T_T

In my app, I created a custom View with the XML calendrieradmin_day.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TableRow xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    android:layout_height="fill_parent" >

    <!--  <TextView
        android:gravity="center" />-->

For now, it is a simple TableRow, but I'll need to add some other things in the future. (The commented TextView, for example).

I made three classes for using it : Row , EventRow and EmptyRow . Row is abstract and EventRow and EmptyRow inherit of Row . Also, Row inherit of TableRow .

I want to add several EventRow and EmptyRow in a TableLayout and I need to resize them dynamically.

In the constructor method of EmptyRow and EventRow, I call an init() method. Here the one of EventRow :

private void init(Context c, TableLayout root) {    
    root = (TableLayout)LayoutInflater.from(c).inflate(R.layout.calendrieradmin_day_event, root, true);

    LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) root.getLayoutParams();

    lp.height = getHeightOfMinute() * getDuree();
    lp.width = getTheWidth();

    Some other stuff




Of course, it doesn't work as excepted. The EventRow is not showed.

root is my TableLayout I pass in the constructor. getHeightOfMinute() and getDuree() work correctly and give me the right sizes. I used to use the inflate() method like inflate(R.layout.calendrieradmin_day_event, null, false) and it worked fine, but Eclipse gave me a warning, telling me I shouldn't pass null as the RootView argument. Although everything worked fine, I begun to search another solution and this is where I gone so far...

I used the setMinimumHeight() and setMinimumWidth() method to rezise my EventRow and EmptyRow . It works, but I think there is a better way to do that. I tried A LOT of solutions but I messed up ! I think there is something I still not catched about the functioning of inflate() and/or LayoutParams .

Could you help me ? Thanks in advance !

Please tell me if you need more piece of Source code.

PS: Sorry for the bad english, I'm french.

I finally managed it, but a lot of things have been changed.

First, I drop the TableLayout and TableRow . Now it is simply some LinearLayout .

calendrieradmin_day.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
  android:orientation="horizontal" >

    android:gravity="left" />


And this is the init() method :

private void init(Context c, LinearLayout root) {   
    LinearLayout container = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(c).inflate(R.layout.calendrieradmin_day_event, root, false);
    TextView name = (TextView) container.findViewById(R.id.CalendrierAdmin_Day_Event_TextView_Name);

    LayoutParams lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 0, duree);        





Pay attention to the LayoutParams lp (It's a LinearLayout.LayoutParams). duree is the duration of my event, in minutes.

My EventRow are intended to be in an another LinearLayout , llEvents . It contains all the events for one day, so 1440 minutes (60 x 24). As a result, the weightSum of llEvents is 1440.

I dropped the EmptyRow and the Row class to. I just add some empty LinearLayout to llEvents for the free time schedules, with there duration as weight .

It's REALLY important to presize a "0" height in the LayoutParams

Hope It will help someone ;-) !

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