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Build jar and put in resources that are built into another jar with gradle

So I have two gradle projects: P1 and P2. P2 does not depend on P1 to build, however, during the build phase of P2, I want to build P1, add it to my resources folder and then add that folder to P2's jar.

I am still new to the whole gradle thing, so I am looking for an example build.gradle that would do something like this.


EDIT: It should be noted that P1 and P2 are both modules within the same project.

My project structure looks like this:

Root Project

Root Project
|  |
|  |__build.grdale
|  |
|  |__build.gradle

My settings.gradle looks like this:

include 'P1', 'P2'

So I ended up finding a similar question here: Gradle: how to copy subproject jar to another subproject when task is run?

The build gradle should end up looking something like this:

task fix(dependsOn: ':P1:jar', type: Copy) {
    from tasks.getByPath(':P1:jar')
    into 'path/to/resources'

build.dependsOn fix

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