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As3 add Checkbox in Grid component

I want to add dynamic checkbox in a grid componemt in AS3. Here is the link. I want to do it in Flash AS3.0 not in Flex.

For custom cells you need to you use custom cellRenderer on the column.


var sampleItem1:Object = {Name:"John Alpha", Number:"555-123-0101", Email:"jalpha@fictitious.com"}; 
var dg:DataGrid = new DataGrid(); 
var dgc:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn("Name");
dgc = new DataGridColumn("Number");
dgc.cellRenderer = "CustomCellRenderer"; // here you set your custom renderer for this column
dgc = new DataGridColumn("Email");


    import fl.controls.CheckBox; 
    import fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer; 
    import fl.controls.listClasses.ListData; 

    public class CustomCellRenderer extends CheckBox implements ICellRenderer { 
        private var _listData:ListData; 
        private var _data:Object; 
        public function CustomCellRenderer() { 

        public function set data(d:Object):void { 
            _data = d; 
            label = d.label; 

        public function get data():Object { 
            return _data; 

        public function set listData(ld:ListData):void { 
            _listData = ld; 

        public function get listData():ListData { 
            return _listData; 

source1 source2

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