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Check internet Connection on phone

I wanted to check whether my phone can connect to Internet or not. I have seen several questions already. One of those is Question . It says to use NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() this and i tried it. I have disconnected my PC from internet and Also turned off the DataConnection of the emulator but NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() this always returning true. But simultaneouly i also check for NetworkInterfaceType.None and interestingly it is coming null. Can anybody explain where i am missing info ?

Attempt : -

public static void CheckNetworkAvailability()
       // this is coming true even when i disconnected my pc from internet.
       // i also make the dataconnection off of the emulator
        var fg = NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable();

        var ni = NetworkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType;
        // this part is coming none  
        if (ni == NetworkInterfaceType.None)
            IsConnected = false;


any help is appreciated :)

I am using following code to check if the device has access to internet with if it is connected to wifi or data connection..

 public void UpdateNetworkInformation()
        // Get current Internet Connection Profile.
        ConnectionProfile internetConnectionProfile = Windows.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile();

        //air plan mode is on...
        if (internetConnectionProfile == null)
            Is_Connected = false;

        //if true, internet is accessible.
        this.Is_InternetAvailable = internetConnectionProfile.GetNetworkConnectivityLevel() == NetworkConnectivityLevel.InternetAccess;

        // Check the connection details.
        else if (internetConnectionProfile.NetworkAdapter.IanaInterfaceType != 71)// Connection is not a Wi-Fi connection. 
            Is_Roaming = internetConnectionProfile.GetConnectionCost().Roaming;

            /// user is Low on Data package only send low data.
            Is_LowOnData = internetConnectionProfile.GetConnectionCost().ApproachingDataLimit;

            //User is over limit do not send data
            Is_OverDataLimit = internetConnectionProfile.GetConnectionCost().OverDataLimit;

        else //Connection is a Wi-Fi connection. Data restrictions are not necessary. 
            Is_Wifi_Connected = true;

Edit: And for simple internet connection you can use below code.


Hope this helps!

The emulator always returns NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() as true, even if you emulate network conditions as having no network.

I faced this problem myself and the only truly way of testing this behaviour is to deploy the application to a physical device running Windows Phone and test it with the data turned off.

NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() checks the network connection and not the internet connection . If you are in any kind of network, then it will return true whether internet is present or not.

You can check the internet connection as following:

using System.Net

private bool IsOnline() 
        IPHostEntry iPHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry("www.wikipedia.com");
        return true;
    catch (SocketException ex) 
        return false;

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