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Eclipse plugin installation from Project File

I want to install eclipse plugin Agilereview from following link:


I downloaded the zip and unzipped it. I added it in eclipse as project and many projects added into workspace. When I tried to select all those projects and export them as deploy-able plugins in eclipse repository, eclipse doesn't allow it and always show error like plugin file missing. A problem is the zip file include many folders and many of those folder has its own plugin.xml file. Therefore, I think this Agilereview plugin itself is a combination of many plugins. I am sure that plugin is okay and its my mistake to install it.

Can anyone tell me, what is the mistake I am doing while installation? I want to install this plugin manually since later I need to optimize it.

Each of the folders org.agilereview.xxx is a separate Eclipse project. So you should use 'Import > Existing Projects into Workspace' to import these projects.

Since there are pom.xml files it looks like you should use maven and tycho to build the code.

For building RCP applications and plugins like Agilereview, which itself is a combination of many projects, you can check out the following tutorial:


Eclipsetycho provides support for building eclipse components.

Install the maven eclipse tool, which will make your work easy.


This is a pretty complex process, so spend some time to learn from the tutorial.

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