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Insert data in mongoDB database from node.js

Context: Want to insert data in mongoDB database from node.js

Problem Statement: I am trying to insert data in the mongoDB database but thrown an error. Cant find it.

Present Output: Reference error

Attach Code:


    var server = require('http'),
    express = require('express'),
    http = require('http'),
    fs = require('fs');
    filter = express(),

    io = require('socket.io'),
    mongoose = require('mongoose');

    mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/filter_CheckBoxSchema', function(err){
    } else{
        console.log('Connected to mongodb!');

    http.createServer(function(request, response) {  
        response.writeHeader(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"});  

    var filter_CheckBoxSchema = mongoose.Schema({
    name: String,
    type: Boolean,
    created: {type: Date, default: Date.now}

    var Filter = mongoose.model('Store', filter_CheckBoxSchema);

    fs.readFile('./index.html', function (err, html) {
    if (err) {
        throw err; 

    new Filter({
        name: request.body.name,
        type: request.body.gender,

    }).save(function(err, doc){
            throw err;
        response.send('Successfully inserted!!!');


    <title>Please enter your details</title>
    <h3>Please enter your details</h3>
    <p>Please register below!!!</p>

    <form action="filter.js" method="POST">
    Name: <input type="text" name="Name" />
    <br /><p></p>
    <br /> 
    <input type="radio" name="gender"/> Male
    <br />
    <input type="radio" name="gender"/> Female
    Interest: (Check all that apply)
    <input type="checkbox" name="breakfast"/> Breakfast
    <input type="checkbox" name="Lunch"/> Lunch
    <br />
    <input type="checkbox" name="Evening Snacks"/> Evening Snacks
    <br />
    <input type="checkbox" name="Dinner"/> Dinner
    <br />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Register!!!" />



C:\node\people discovery app>node filter.js
Connected to mongodb!

C:\node\people discovery app\filter.js:152
                name: request.body.name,
ReferenceError: request is not defined
    at C:\node\people discovery app\filter.js:152:9
    at fs.js:271:14
    at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)

It appears you don't completely grasp the asynchronous nature of javascript. Variables passed to a function only exist in that function's scope. See this commented code:

var express = require('express'),
    http = require('http'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    mongoose = require('mongoose');

mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/filter_CheckBoxSchema', function(err){
  } else{
    console.log('Connected to mongodb!');

//Lets read our html file only once, at the very beginning when we first start our nodejs process
fs.readFile('./index.html', function (err, html) {

  //Now in here there are two variables which are accessible, `err` and `html`

  if (err) {
    throw err; 

  //Create our schema before starting server
  var filter_CheckBoxSchema = mongoose.Schema({
    name: String,
    type: Boolean,
    created: {type: Date, default: Date.now}

  //And now the model as well
  var Filter = mongoose.model('Store', filter_CheckBoxSchema);

  //Now lets start our server
  http.createServer(function(request, response) {
    //The code here is called whenever a new http request is sent to the server
    //There are two variables accessible here, one is `request` which contains
    //data about the original request, while `response` is an object with methods
    //allowing you to respond

    //Here we check what kind of method the browser is using, if its POSTing
    //data then we create a filter from the body
    if (request.method == "POST") {
      new Filter({
        name: request.body.name,
        type: request.body.gender,

      }).save(function(err, doc){
          throw err;
        else {
          response.send('Successfully inserted!!!');
    else {
      //This must have been a GET request, lets just send `html` instead
      response.writeHeader(200, {"Content-Type": "text/html"});  

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