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populate jqgrid with json data from a PHP file

I am absolutely new to trirand's jqGrid. I have a fundamental question. I have a form which calls a php file and the latter echoes a JSON response after a submit button. I can format the JSON data in the form needed by jqGrid as mentioned in the manual. But how do I populate it without using another button. I have tried:

     $("#output_grid").jqGrid({ //grid5 function starts
     url: "searchresults.php",
     datatype: "json",
     mtype: "GET",

what I mean is How do I trigger the grid to read the data sent by php file?

function start_post_data(){
      { a  : 1, 
        b  : 2

function start_post_data_ajax(data, statusText, xhr){
  // add the data to the grid
  $("#selectieatable").jqGrid("clearGridData", true).trigger("reloadGrid");
  $.each(data['rows'], function(key, val) {

Try to trigger the reloadGrid event after you've received your search results like this:

 $('#output_grid').jqGrid('clearGridData'); // Remove previous data
    url: 'searchresults.php',
    datatype: 'json',
 }).trigger('reloadGrid', [{ page: 1 }]); // Reload Grid, and start showing page 1

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