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how to expose public methods of member variables in JS

I have a class

function A()
   var that = this;
   var b = new B(); 
   this.setBSize = function(newSize)


function B()
   var that = this;

   this.setSize = function(newSize)

a = new A();

How do I avoid writing the setBSize method? How do I expose the public methods of b automatically? I want to do the call like this


Also I need a reference to new B(); which is b inside A()

You could always set the prototype of A to B if you want to inherit all the methods in B

function A() {
    var that = this;

function B() {
    var that = this;

    this.setSize = function (newSize) {
        console.log(newSize); // 5

A.prototype = new B();

a = new A();


In jQuery : $.extend(that, new B()); In angular : angular.extend(that, new B());

function A()
   var that = this;
   $.extend(that, new B());

function B()
   var that = this;

   this.setSize = function(newSize)

a = new A();

And if you want to use any private variables in B() class define them as var someVar , and all public (overridable) variables as that.somePublicVar

You can use call method for this:

function A() {
    var that = this;

function B() {
    var that = this;
    this.setSize = function (newSize) {
        this.size = newSize;

var a = new A();

Basically you invoke B in context of A , and what happens is that all own properties of the B instance are going to be assigned to this which is A instance. This pattern is called constructor or methods borrowing.

You should utilize prototyping.

make a constructor which shares the function among all the classes(objects):

var myConstructor = function(newSize){

   this.setSize = function(newSize)

Now you do instanciation:

var a = new myConstructor(someSize);

var b = new myConstrucotr(someSize);

Now with this change a.setSize() is the same as b.setSize()

Using prototype for inheriting the method setSize and discarding all the this and that code.

function B() {
function A() {

B.prototype.setSize = function(newSize) {

A.prototype = Object.create(B.prototype);
A.prototype.constructor = A;
var a = new A();
a.setSize(5);               // 5
console.log(a instanceof A);// true
console.log(a instanceof B);// true

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