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How to get users of a specefic role in Yii2 and DbManager?

How to get users of a specefic role in Yii2 and DbManager in RBAC?

Please introduce some API for user management and role management.

I searched and read Yii2 guide but I didn't find any solution.

I wrote this function which can be added to an User class.

 * Finds all users by assignment role
 * @param  \yii\rbac\Role $role
 * @return static|null
public static function findByRole($role)
    return static::find()
        ->join('LEFT JOIN','auth_assignment','auth_assignment.user_id = id')
        ->where(['auth_assignment.item_name' => $role->name])

由于Yii的版本2.0.7, DbManagerManagerInterface它实现了具有getUserIdsByRole($roleName)这你想要做什么,而不自定义代码。

I used @Manquer guide and wrote this function:

public static function getRoleUsers($role_name)
        $connection = \Yii::$app->db;

        $command = $connection->createCommand(
            "SELECT * FROM auth_assignment INNER JOIN user ON auth_assignment.user_id = user.id " .
            "WHERE auth_assignment.item_name = '" . $role_name . "';");

        $users = $command->queryAll();

        return $users;

Maybe useful for someone.

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