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Change Orientation of a WrapPanel in Wpf (mvvm)

I got a problem with the design of my WPF program. My XAML looks like this:

<StackPanel Orientation="{Binding Orientation}">
   <Border ... /> 
   <Border ... /> 
   <Border ... />
   <Border Margin="2"
         <TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center"
                    Text="Time Range:"
                    Width="66" />
         <controls:WinFormsWrapper EndDateTime="{Binding EndDateTime,Mode=TwoWay}"
                                   InitialEndDateTime="{Binding InitialEndDateTime}"
                                   InitialStartDateTime="{Binding InitialStartDateTime}"
                                   StartDateTime="{Binding StartDateTime,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
   <Border ... /> 

Inside The WrapPanel you can see there is my WinFormsWrapper. In my Viewmodel i got a property Orientation which will determine how to Orientate the StackPanel. I want the WrapPanel now to fill the whole control horizontally if the Orientation is set to vertical and vice versa.

Does anyone know a good way to do this?


The Type of the property is System.Windows.Controls.Orientation and the possible values are: System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical and System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Horizontal .

If you set a Background to your WrapPanel the panel is full size.
I think that you should use a DockPanel instead of your WrapPanel with the property value LastChildFill="True" .

Your error comes from invalid values. Set a valid start value to your Orientation property

private Orientation orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;

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