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Getting properties from a child

I have the following entities:

public class Parent
     int Id { get; set; }
     string ParentName { get; set; }
     List<Child> Children { get; set; }

public class Child
     int Id { get; set; }
     string ChildName { get; set; }

and the following dto:

public class ParentDTO
     int Id { get; set; }
     List<string> ChildrenNames { get; set; }

using QueryOver code below I can get the Parent values

 ParentDTO result = null;
 Parent parentAlias = null;
 Child childAlias = null;

 var query = session.QueryOver(() => parentAlias)              
            .JoinAlias(() => parentAlias.Children, () => childAlias, JoinType.LeftOuterJoin)                           
            .SelectList(list => list.Select(c => c.Id).WithAlias(() => result.Id)
                                    .Select(c => c.ParentName).WithAlias(() => result.Name)
//this part does not work
 .Select(c => c.Children .Select(v => v.ChildName)).WithAlias(() => result.ChildrenNames) 

return query.List<ParentDTO>();  

However I cant seem to be able to project the list of childName values into my ChildrenNames collection.

Any ideas?

As some guys said in comments, you need to do two queries. Using linq , you could try something like this:

// get the parent Ids
var parentIds = session.Query<Parent>().Select(c => c.Id).ToList(); 

// get the childNames
var childNames = session.Query<Child>()
                        .Where(x => parentIds.Contains(x.ParentId)) // get on the child from parents query
                        .Select(x => new {x.Name, x.ParentId}) // get only the properties you need
                        .ToList(); // list of anon objects

// loop in memory between parentIds filling the corresponding childNames
var result = parentIds.Select(parentId => new ParentDTO() 
                Id = parentId,
                ChildrenNames = childNames.Where(x => x.ParentId == parentId).ToList()

I am not sure if it works, but you could try this in a single query:

var query = from p in session.Query<Parent>()
            let names = p.Children.Select(c => c.ChildName).ToList()
            select new ParentDTO()
               Id = o.Id,
               ChildrenNames = names

return query.Tolist();

Obs: I did not test it.

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