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Format PHP output from MYSQL for morris.js chart data

I have the following query for retrieving data in my MYSQL database:

SELECT a.PARNT_CIVSTATUS,count(a.PARNT_CIVSTATUS) from tbl_parnt a left join tbl_intrvw b 
on a.QN_NUMBR=b.QN_NUMBR left join tbl_barangay c on b.ZONE_NUM=c.BRGY_ZONE_NUM 

This is the output from phpmyadmin:


And this is the output using json_encode in PHP:


I don't know how to format it like this:

{ y: 'L', a: 10 },
{ y: 'LSP', a: 75 },
{ y: 'M', a: 50 },
{ y: 'N', a: 75 },
{ y: 'SGP', a: 50 },
{ y: 'SP', a: 75 },
{ y: 'W', a: 57 }

It's for a morris.js bar chart data. How do I format it this way?

This will require modification in more than just your sql, but it is easily possible; firstly, using the AS keyword , you can create an alias for the columns which you reference:

FROM tbl_parnt a
LEFT JOIN tbl_intrvw b ON a.QN_NUMBR=b.QN_NUMBR 

The above, assuming I did things correctly, should give you this output .

However, that still leaves the php side of things. Given you haven't posted your php, I'm going to address this in the two ways I know how; deprecated mysql_* functions, and PDO:

Firstly, the deprecated functions. If you're using these, I highly recommend against doing so, and changing to either PDO or mysqli; anyway, to the code!

$arr = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $arr[] = $row;

The above uses mysql_fetch_assoc() , and the example enclosed within that documentation page. It fetches an associative array of the results, assuming they are like the above SQLFiddle demo I provided, and shoves them into an existing array; this array would of course then be used in json_encode to produce the desired result.

The second method I spoke, PDO, or php Data Objects, is one I stand by; I'm not going to get into a complete demo here, as that's out of the scope of this answer, but will replicate the above code in PDO:

$arr = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

Here, I use fetchAll() to fetch every row, and use the constant PDO::FETCH_ASSOC to make sure it only gets the column names and their values; otherwise, you get what you had above.

There is of course a third option, or even a fourth. Mysqli, and some custom-made database abstraction layer. I'm not experienced in either, and thus I won't be providing any examples save php.net's mysqli quick start guide .

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