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503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

I understand this error is fairly common, but I've come to a bit of a dead end in terms of debugging the issue. I'm running windows 8.1 with WAMP. I have multiple websites running from the WAMP configuration, most of them being Drupal sites and a couple being CS-Cart sites. The one I'm having an issue with is the CS-Cart site.

I've setup my hosts/vhosts file in exactly the same way I've set up all of my existing sites. However when I go to the browser and try and view the site, I get a 'Service unavailable' message. In my console it turns out it's a '503 Service Temporarily Unavailable' . I've checked the database settings and I have an .htaccess file.

Here is an example of my hosts file config:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin email@email.com
    DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www/website-location"
    ServerName local.website.co.uk
    ErrorLog "logs/local.website.co.uk-error.log"
    CustomLog "logs/local.website.co.uk-access.log" common
</VirtualHost>     local.website.co.uk

I've checked the error logs and it's not printing anything at all. The only thing I can see are the HTTP requests in the access file. Any help would be much appreciated.

Ok, So I managed to sort out the issue. Turns out the issue was in the Database. There is a table called 'CSCART_COMPANIES' , the domain was pointing to the staging site as opposed to the local site.

Hopefully this helps others out in the future.

Please check your config.local.php file which is located on the root directory.

Within you need to change $config['http_host']

I had the similar problem - when clicked on category I was presented with Service Unavailable error message. I sorted it by going into Products/ Filters and disabled all filters.

We encountered the "Service Unavailable" in CS-Cart admin and catalog side this morning. The first thing to check is the source of the page. It should say what kind of error/exception is thrown as a comment near the bottom.

In this case, it was 503 error. The culprit? Cache backend crashed. Redis had ran out of mem due to a big nightly backup colliding with an SEO speeder trying to gen cache for entire site.

If your redis has not recovered, you can start it with # service redis start (or restart ).

To see some details of what happened, you can run # grep -i redis /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log and look for strings like "cant connect to redis server" or # grep redis /var/log/messages may return a line saying "OOM killed process 123 (redis-server)" where 123 is the PID of redis.

In addition to the @JDavies answer,

Even CSCART docs page doesn't tell you the correct answer.

Here is the one if someone gets stuck in this error,

Goto your admin panel Settings -> General and find a checkbox with label 'Close storefront:', uncheck it and you are good.

I am using 4.3.1 version, probably this will cover all versions.


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