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How to use two interfaces as argument using generics in Java?

I'm trying to wrapp two interfaces in one to not have to rewrite each method using each interface. I searched a lot but I don't know how can I do this:

class ApplyFilter

  public static File[] filter (File directory, FileFilterORFilenameFilter filterWrapper)
    return directory.listenFiles(filterWrapper);


I tried it creating a class that implements both interfaces but then I need to cast the variable. I also tried using java generics using a class like this:

public class CustomFilter<T>

  /*  Where we store our filter  */
  private T filter = null;

  /*  The method to return it  */
  public T getFilter ()
    return filter;

  /*  The constructor to define the filter  */
  public CustomFilter (T filt)
    if ( !(filt instanceof FileFilter) || !(filt instanceof FilenameFilter) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument must be an instance of FilenameFilter or a FileFilter.");
    this.filter = filt;


Then I used it like this and it worked:

class test

  public static void main (String[] args)
    CustomFilter<FileFilter> onlyShowFolders = new CustomFolder<FileFilter>(new FileFilter ()
      public boolean accept (File file)
        return file.isDirectory();

    File root = new File("/");
    for (File folder : root.listFiles(onlyShowFolders.getFilter()))


But when I use it in the ApplyFilter class it doesn't work.

class ApplyFilter

  /*  DOESN'T WORK :(  */
  public static File[] filter (File directory, CustomFilter filterWrapper)
    return directory.listenFiles(filterWrapper.getFilter());


Thanks in advance.

You can do like what the java library itself does with File.listFiles ie two functions with same name and different argument type.

class ApplyFilter {

    public static File[] filter(File directory, FileFilter filter) {
        return directory.listFiles(filter);

    public static File[] filter(File directory, FilenameFilter filter) {
        return directory.listFiles(filter);


Example holder class, see comments

public class FilterHolder {
    private FileFilter fileFilter;
    private FilenameFilter filenameFilter;

    public FilterHolder(FileFilter fileFilter) {
        this.fileFilter = fileFilter;

    public FilterHolder(FilenameFilter filenameFilter) {
        this.filenameFilter = filenameFilter;

    public FileFilter getFileFilter() {
        return fileFilter;

    public FilenameFilter getFilenameFilter() {
        return filenameFilter;

It does not work because you omit the most important part for the compiler so that it compile:

  public static File[] filter (File directory, CustomFilter filterWrapper)
    return directory.listenFiles(filterWrapper.getFilter());

The actual type representation is:

  public static File[] filter (File directory, CustomFilter<Object> filterWrapper)
    return directory.listenFiles(filterWrapper.getFilter());

And then, it looks for a method listenFiles taking an Object as single parameter.

Beside, FilenameFilter and FileFilter does not have a common ancestor, and you can't restrict the type of T, like this:

public class CustomFilter<T extends FileFilter>

  /*  Where we store our filter  */
  private T filter = null;

  /*  The method to return it  */
  public T getFilter () {
    return filter;

  /*  The constructor to define the filter  */
  public CustomFilter (T filt) {
    this.filter = Objects.requireNonNull(filt, "filt");

If you are sure you always use the FileFilter , you should probably don't use your CustomFilter and stick with FileFilter unless you know you will add more functionalities. But in that case, have CustomFilter implements FileFilter .

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