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Session Set and Get in Meteor

I am trying to dynamically get and set a pageTitle for my sample Meteor app, ideally I'd like to use jQuery, but any other solution would be good too.

I am trying to do it the rough way by setting a session when a certain div class exists on the page, but it's not working for some reason.

Basically, I have this:

  pageTitle: function() { return Session.get('pageTitle'); }

And I want to do something like

if ($('section').hasClass('single')) {
    Session.set('pageTitle', 'Post Page');

Any idea ho to make this work? thanks!

You need to call it in a controller or the templates rendered section like this:

  pageTitle: function() {
    return Session.get('pageTitle'); 

// set when a page template renders
Template.posts.rendered = function() {
  setPageTitle("Blog Posts");

// or with Iron Router on *every* route using some sort of variable
Router.onBeforeAction(function() {
  var someDynamicValue = "FOO";

// or in an IronRouter Controller
PostsController = RouteController.extend({
  onBeforeAction: function() {
    setPageTitle("Blog Posts");

// helper function to set page title. puts a prefix in front of page, you
// could opt set a boolean to override that
function setPageTitle(titleName) {
  var prefix = "My Site - ";

  if ($('section').hasClass('single')) {
    Session.set('pageTitle', prefix + titleName);

As @Kuba Wyrobek pointed out, I needed to use the Template.layout.rendered function.

Here's a snippet that works

Template.postsList.rendered = function(){
    Session.set('pageTitle', 'Listing Page')

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