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Bottle (python): post decorator is not working

I was following this tutorial http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/tutorial_app.html

Route works well, I haven't tried in route decorator GET and POST parameters, because I found more elegant way in that tutorial. I uses get and post decorators, but on post I had an error - 405, method is not allowed. Why? How should I fix it?

import os

# setup global and environ variables
app_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__name__))
os.environ['FAMILY_BUDGET_ROOT'] = app_root

from bottle import route, run, redirect, request, get, post, static_file
from controller import check_login, get_page

# static section

def stylesheets(filename):
    return static_file(filename, root=app_root)

# dynamic section

def family_budget(path):

def login():
    username = request.get_cookie("account", secret='very_secret_key')
    if username:
        login_page = get_page('templates/login_page.html')
        return login_page

def do_login():
    username = request.forms.get('username')
    password = request.forms.get('password')
    if check_login(username, password):
        request.set_cookie("account", username, secret='very_secret_key')
        return "<p>Login failed.</p>"

run(host='', port=5050)

The request to POST route must be HTTP POST - for example from a <form action="/family_budget/login" method="post"> on a web page. If you just enter the URL in browser, the request will be HTTP GET instead of POST, which is what is error 405 saying.

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