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DELETE multiple rows in PDO

I'm a rookie in PDO and I've done some search about the issue I'm facing and I wasn't able to find any answers about it. As you can see below, I have this function:

function deleteInfo($id){
    $pdo = connPDO();
    $deleteInfo = $pdo -> prepare("DELETE FROM game_locais_zumbis WHERE id_zumbi IN (:id)");
    $deleteInfo -> bindValue(":id", $id, PDO::PARAM_STR);
    $deleteInfo -> execute();
    $pdo = null;

After that, I have the following code:

while($row = $listInfo -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
    $ids[] = $row['ids'];
$ids = implode(',', $ids);

When I echo my $ids, I get:


But the DELETE function is not deleting all those five rows in my db but only the first one, like "1". When I run that exactly same DELETE function in my db, replacing the ":id" with "1,2,3,4,5", it does work! Does anybody know what's my mistake here? I appreciate any help.

I would do this:

$query = "DELETE FROM game_locais_zumbis WHERE id_zumbi in (".str_repeat("?,", count($ids) - 1)."?)";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);

Unfortunately you can't bind an array of elements with prepared statements. You will have to build them in the query directly.

function deleteInfo($ids)
    $pdo = connPDO();

    if (!is_array($ids))
        $ids = array($ids); // if it is just one id not in an array, put it in an array so the rest of the code work for all cases

    $ids = array_map([$pdo, 'quote'], $ids); // filter elements for SQL injection

    $pdo->exec('DELETE FROM game_locais_zumbis WHERE id_zumbi IN (' . implode(', ', $ids) . ')');

Remember to pass the array to deleteInfo() instead of imploding it into a string.

This is how i have done it and it worked. I created an array and looped through it.

    // set a database connection

    $host = "localhost";
    $user ="root";
    $password = "";
    $db = "pdopost";

    //Set a DSN
    $dsn = 'mysql:host ='.$host . ';dbname='.$db;
    // Create a PDO instance
    $pdo = new PDO ($dsn, $user, $password);

    $ids=['6', '7'];
    foreach($ids as $id){

    $sql = "DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ?";
    $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);


    echo 'Deleted in the database';

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