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Assign a value in AngularJS Provider from a remote server

I need help on how to retrieve a JSON string from a remote server and assign that string to a variable in AngularJS. All I am given is a url to the server where the JSON data is being generated. For example, given the url http://{{remotedomain}}/message/get/zh_cn , the browser will display the JSON message as shown below:


So my question really is, how can I assign the JSON data shown to a "message" variable of the AngularJS provider service shown below?

angular.module('myApp', [])
    .provider('translator', function(){
        var messages = //get from the remote 
            defaultLanguage = 'en';

Providers are used during the configuration phase. So, most services if not all are not available during this time.

But, this might work:

 function TheProvider() {

     var messages;

     this.$get = ['$resource', function($resource){
           message = // use $resource somehow

You might need to check $decorator . I think that's what you really need.

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