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Group by in Oracle SQL

I have many rows with the fields name , unit , amount . The rows could be

name, unit, amount
Some name, A, 100
Some name, B, 300
Another name, A, 400

I want to select all the rows but grouped by name.

The unit can be either A or B. I want an output as:

name, A_amount, B_amount
Some name, 100, 300
Another name, 400, 0

So depending on the unit the amount should either be in A_amount or B_amount.

You need a pivot operation on your base table to achieve this result.

FROM (SELECT name, unit, amount FROM   table1)
PIVOT (amount AS amount FOR (unit) IN ('A' AS a, 'B' AS b))
ORDER BY name;

This query should work for you. Refer this tutorial to learn more about pivot operations.

Can you try the following query

/ For query 1 /

      Select * from #tblsample A
      inner join #tblsample2 B
       On A.ProductId=B.ProductId


        select * from #tblsample
        select * from #tblsample2

/ alternate way for query 2 /

          select * from #tblsample
          where productid NOT IN(
          select * from #tblsample2)

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