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C# WPF Want the child of the Stackpanel on click

I am using StackPanels. In my application I have to show a multi tiff with 3 to x images and have to open them in a new window after I click on one of them.

Showing them is easy:

public void Bilder_anzeigen(string path)
    TiffBitmapDecoder decoder = new TiffBitmapDecoder(new Uri(path), BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat, BitmapCacheOption.Default);

    foreach (var i in decoder.Frames)
        Image myImage = new Image();
        myImage.Source = i;

But how can I get a child with a click on the StackPanel? There is a MouseDown Event, but after it is raised, I don't know on which image i clicked. I just know there was a click. How can I find the image that was clicked?

You can find out which Image was clicked on very easily using the PreviewMouseDown event and the OriginalSource of the MouoseButtonEventArgs object:

<StackPanel PreviewMouseDown="StackPanel_PreviewMouseDown">
    <Image Source="Images/Add_16.png" Stretch="None" />
    <Image Source="Images/Edit_16.png" Stretch="None" />
    <Image Source="Images/Copy_16.png" Stretch="None" />


private void StackPanel_PreviewMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    if (e.OriginalSource is Image)
        string imageSource = ((Image)e.OriginalSource).Source.ToString();

Try OriginalSource of eventargs. OriginalSource give the control on which MouseDown

       private void Sp_MouseDown_1(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        var image=e.OriginalSource as Image;

In your StackPanel's MouseDown Event, you can try;

if (e.OriginalSource is Image)
    var tapImage = (Image)e.OriginalSource;
    //tapImage is the Image on which user tapped.

see if this helps.

You can just use Image.MouseDown or Image.MouseUp event.

Alternatively, get control under mouse cursor .

while this works.

 image.MouseDown += (e, v) => { //enter your code };

I would still recommend you to use MVVM and bind the command through CommandBinding.


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