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Difference between @MapKey, @MapKeyColumn and @MapKeyJoinColumn in JPA and Hibernate

As per Hibernate documentation , there are multiple annotations available if we want to use Map as an association between our entities. The doc says:

Alternatively the map key is mapped to a dedicated column or columns. In order to customize the mapping use one of the following annotations:

@MapKeyColumn if the map key is a basic type. If you don't specify the column name, the name of the property followed by underscore followed by KEY is used (for example orders_KEY). @MapKeyEnumerated / @MapKeyTemporal if the map key type is respectively an enum or a Date. @MapKeyJoinColumn/@MapKeyJoinColumns if the map key type is another entity. @AttributeOverride/@AttributeOverrides when the map key is a embeddable object. Use key. as a prefix for your embeddable object property names. You can also use @MapKeyClass to define the type of the key if you don't use generics.

By doing some examples I am able to understand that @MapKey is just used to map the key to a property of target entity and this key is used only for fetching records. @MapKeyColumn is used to map the key to a property of target entity and this key is used to save as well as fetching records. Please let me know if this is correct?

Also please let me know when I need to use @MapKeyJoinColumn/@MapKeyJoinColumns & @MapKeyEnumerated / @MapKeyTemporal


When you use a Map you always need to associate at least two entities. Let's say we have an Owner entity that relates to the Car entity ( Car has a FK to Owner ).

So, the Owner will have a Map of Car(s) :

Map<X, Car>


The @MapKey will give you the Car's property used to group a Car to its Owner . For instance, if we have a vin (Vehicle Identification Number) property in Car , we could use it as the carMap key:

public class Owner {
    private long id;

    @MapKey(name = "vin")
    private Map<String, Car> carMap;

public class Car {
    private long id;

    private Owner owner;

    private String vin;



The @MapKeyEnumerated will use an Enum from Car , like WheelDrive :

public class Owner {
    private long id;

    private Map<WheelDrive, Car> carMap;

public class Car {
    private long id;

    private Owner owner;

    @Column(name = "wheelDrive")
    private WheelDrive wheelDrive;


public enum WheelDrive {

This will group cars by their WheelDrive type.


The @MapKeyTemporal will use a Date / Calendar field for grouping, like createdOn .

public class Owner {
    private long id;

    private Map<Date, Car> carMap;

public class Car {
    private long id;

    private Owner owner;

    private Calendar createdOn;         


The @MapKeyJoinColumn requires a third entity, like Manufacturer so that you have an association from Owner to Car and car has also an association to a Manufacturer , so that you can group all Owner's Cars by Manufacturer :

public class Owner {
    private long id;

    private Map<Manufacturer, Car> carMap;

public class Car {
    private long id;

    private Owner owner;

    @JoinColumn(name = "manufacturer_id")
    private Manufacturer manufacturer;          

public class Manufacturer {
    private long id;

    private String name;

Here's a working example of using @MapKey with @OneToMany with a composite @IdClass. It's obviously not the only way to accomplish the objective here, but I felt this was the most maintainable.

@Table(name = "template_categories")
public class TemplateCategory implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    long orgId;
    long templateId;

    @OneToMany(targetEntity = TemplateEntry.class)
    @JoinColumns( {
        @JoinColumn(name = "orgId",  referencedColumnName = "orgId"),
        @JoinColumn(name = "templateId",  referencedColumnName = "templateId")
    private Map<String, TemplateEntry> keyMap;

source code: https://github.com/in-the-keyhole/jpa-entity-map-examples/blob/master/src/main/java/com/example/demo/mapkey/entity/TemplateCategory.java

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