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Powershell - Local Network scan (no domain)

Just wondering if anybody knows a way in powershell to scan the local network for Computers, resolving their name's and IP's.

I know a possibility with Get-ADComputer, but this network is not in a domain.

You can use the .net DNS class in powershell.

reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.dns%28v=vs.110%29.aspx


PS C:\> $dns = [system.net.dns]
PS C:\> $dns::GetHostEntry("") | format-list

HostName    : stackoverflow.com
Aliases     : {}
AddressList : {}

Scanning example if your network as a

$results = @() ; 1..255 | % { $results += $dns::GetHostByAddress("192.168.1.$_") }

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